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AKJ Malviya Ngr - Bhai Davinder Singh Ji ASI at Delhi
Bhai Davinder Singh ASI - Gurdaspur at Akhand Kirtan Raen Sabhai Samagam at Malviya Nagar, New Delhi on 19April2014
kwnVw mhlw 5 ] kIriq pRB kI gwau myrI rsnW ] Aink bwr kir bMdn sMqn aUhW crn goibMd jI ky bsnw ]1] rhwau ] Aink BWiq kir duAwru n pwvau ] hoie ikRpwlu q hir hir iDAwvau ]1] koit krm kir dyh n soDw ] swDsMgiq mih mnu prboDw ]2] iqRsn n bUJI bhu rMg mwieAw ] nwmu lYq srb suK pwieAw ]3] pwrbRhm jb Bey dieAwl ] khu nwnk qau CUty jMjwl ]4]3]

Kaanraa, Fifth Mehla: Sing the Praises of God, O my tongue. Humbly bow to the Saints, over and over again; through them, the Feet of the Lord of the Universe shall come to abide within you. ||1||Pause|| The Door to the Lord cannot be found by any other means. When He becomes Merciful, we come to meditate on the Lord, Har, Har. ||1|| The body is not purified by millions of rituals. The mind is awakened and enlightened only in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||2|| Thirst and desire are not quenched by enjoying the many pleasures of Maya. Chanting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, total peace is found. ||3|| When the Supreme Lord God becomes Merciful, says Nanak, then one is rid of worldly entanglements. ||4||3||

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Gurbani Kirtan
Joined: 2009-03-24 12:48:09
Media: 2782

Artist:Bhai Davinder Singh Ji ASI
Added:21st April 2014

Category: AKJ Kirtan
Tags: davinder asi gurdaspur akj 2014 raen sabhai akj akhand kirtan kirat prabh rasna

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