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Satgur Khoteon Khare Kare
Beautifully sung shabad by Bhai Sahib Gurpreet Singh Ji Baba Bakale Wale at Gurdwara Patshahi-5, New Mahabir Nagar, New Delhi on Aug 4th, 2012. Pauree: He Himself created and adorned the Universe, and He Himself contemplates it. Some are counterfeit, and some are genuine. He Himself is the Appraiser. The genuine are placed in His Treasury, while the counterfeit are thrown away. The counterfeit are thrown out of the True Court-unto whom should they complain? They should worship and follow the True Guru-this is the lifestyle of excellence. The True Guru converts the counterfeit into genuine; through the Word of the Shabad, He embellishes and exalts us. Those who have enshrined love and affection for the Guru, are honored in the True Court. Who can estimate the value of those who have been forgiven by the Creator Lord Himself? ||12||

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Gurbani Kirtan
Joined: 2009-03-24 12:48:09
Media: 2782

Artist:Bhai Gurpreet Singh Baba Bakala
Title/Venue:New Delhi
Added:13th August 2012

Category: Raagi Kirtan
Tags: baba, bakala, gurpreet, satgur, khoteon, khare, kare

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