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Pran ke bachaya by Inderjeet Singh Khalsa
Hajuri Ragi Shri Harimandir Sahib Bhai Inderjeet Singh Ji Khalsa Bombay wale doing kirtan at Gurdwara Shri Bala Sahib, Delhi on Aug 1st, 2012 You are free from disease and are formless; You have a pretty complexion; You are the Monarch over kings; You are the bestower of stupendous bounties. You are the saviour of life. The provider of milk and male offspring, the eradicator of malady and grief, and are venerable and deserve high esteem. You contemplate over the subject of knowledge, You are a unique Incarnation, you are the embodiment of Success and splendour of Untaintedness. You conspire to entrap the youth, You are death's executioner, you are the torture to your enemies, You are the life breath for your friends. (9)(19) Here you are involved in a discussion on the soul and its relation to the ultimate being, there you are caught up in a debate on knowledge; here you are resonance in Music, there you are an accomplished worshipper. Here you are the Votary of the Vedas, there you pin your faith on Attaining Knowledge; here you are a symbol of Statesmanship and a taint of injustice and elsewhere You scintillate like fire. Here you own a perfect magnificence, there you are a solitary ascetic reciting prayers. Here you are in anguish and elsewhere in tranquillity. There you drop of Yoga practice. Here you grant a blessing, there you snatch such a gift by means of deception; you look the same at all times and in all places. (10)(20)

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Gurbani Kirtan
Joined: 2009-03-24 12:48:09
Media: 2782

Artist:Bhai Inderjeet Singh Ji Bombay Wale
Title/Venue:Bala Sahib, Delhi
Added:10th August 2012

Category: Raagi Kirtan
Tags: inderjeet,bombay,hajuri,harimandir,bala,sahib,pran,ke,bachaia

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