There comes a time in the growth of every soul, when the soul begins to awaken; when a cry of frustration issues forth from the depths of ones being—such a cry which reaches all the way to the Almighty, who is all-merciful. A terrible longing arises within—which tears at the heart and soul; a desperate search begins for satisfaction and fulfillment. A realization starts to take form that there is no true happiness in this physical world; the world of Maya and ego, in which we are all immersed and involved. We are caught and imprisoned by Maya, and we do not know, how to free ourselves. At this stage —the only thing we can feel and aspire to—is, we must find a way to be free from the magic spell of illusive 'Maya'.
We search, we seek, we cry out with begging hands to a higher soul, with the need of guidance, direction and protection. We seek a Guru or Master to raise us up, to break the bonds of attachment to lower consciousness and to lead us forward to the full awakening of our souls.
When the Almighty hears that desperate cry of the aspiring soul, He answers; He provides in the same way that a loving mother runs to the aid and comfort of her weeping child. He directs the steps of the longing soul! to the feet of the Master which is one of the highest and most merciful acts of the AKAL PURKH. When this happens, the soul can feel and acquire conviction and faith that God is indeed looking after each and every creature with all love and sympathy and compassion. To reach the feet of a true Master Means that the soul can forget all worries and troubles. The soul is filled with gratitude, and a new longing arises within......a tremendous desire to live in thankful devotion and service to God. His Kindness is supreme. His Will is so very sweet.
To reach the feet of a True Master, each one must pass through the darkest night of the soul, where the only companion is FAITH, and faith is the devotional vehicle which carries the soul to the realm of Grace, where the soul can always live in joy, peace, and gratitude for the wonderful gift of life-true, awakened, blissful, spiritual LIFE, which is a Divine Gift.