Sukhwinder Singh has put false allegations on Sant Ranjit Singh Ji Dhadrian Wale recently. Baba ji is explaining on it and telling the truth of these false allegations. To the point explanation to all allegations are more than enough to prove that this entire case is planned by anti-sikh forces...
dhadrian wale sant baba ranjit singh sukhwinder sukhvinder false allegation |
Har Har Kabhu Na Manho Bisare - melodious kirtan by Bhai Sahib Apardeep Singh ji UK at Annual Akhand Kirtan Samagam - Rajouri Garden, Delhi on May 17th, 2012
rajouri akj apardeep har har 2012 |
Giani Gurdev Singh ji with his sweet kirtan style at Annual Akhand Kirtan Samagam at Rajouri Garden Delhi on May 18th, 2012 evening.
gurdev giani australia rajouri akj |
Har Har Naam Amola by Bhai sahib Apardeep Singh Ji, UK at Annual akhand kirtan samagam at Rajouri Garden - Delhi on May 18th, 2012 evening samagam.
apardeep apardip uk akj rajouri delhi 2012 |
akj |
Yet another energy filled performance by Master Gurbachan Singh Ji Dayalpuri at Annual Akhand Kirtan Samagam at Rajouri Garden on May 19th, 2012 in raen sabhai.
gurbachan dayalpuri 2012 rajouri garden |
Bhai Sahib Kulwant Singh Ji Kakipind in his distinctly energetic kirtan form at Annual Akhand Kirtan samagam at Rajouri Garden Delhi 19 May 2012 Raen sabai
ak rajouri garden delhi kakipind |
Gurmat Kirtan Samagam in dedication to Parkash Purab of Dhan Dhan Sahib Shri Guru Amardas Sahib Ji Maahraj
sis ganj guru amardas sahib |
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