Several incidents of beadbi of Guru Granth Sahib happened recently in north India. Sant Baba Ranjit Singh Ji Dhadrian wale speaking about such incidents and solution to avoid such things in future.
Every sikh should request Akal Takht sahib to release a Hukamnama to Gurdwara Commitees and...
ranjit dhadrian beadbi pilibhit punjab guru granth solution akal takht |
Every POORANMASHI night Bhai Daya Singh Ji Nishkam Satsang Sabha & Bhai gursharan singh ji ludhiane wale orgnise a RAIN "SABAI KIRTAN SAMAGAM" ..
6 APRIL 2012 (TIMING: 10:00pm to 4:00am)
www.facebook.com/bhaigursharansinghji |
Bhai Gursharan Singh Ji (Ludhiane Wale) Orgnised Sava Lakh Mool Mantar Jaap on 15april 4pm to 6:30pm for chardi kla of khalsa panth.Sadh Sangat is requested to attend the samagam and get blessing of guru sahib ji. any enquiry97793-06700.
mool matar waheguru kirtan bds bhai daya singh ji |
Sweet kirtan by a cute little kaur at Annual Gurmat Samagam at Gurdwara Akal Ashram Sahib Sohana, on Mar 22nd, 2012.
sohana annual akal ashram child |
Yet another energy filled performance by Master Gurbachan Singh Ji Dayalpuri at Annual Akhand Kirtan Samagam at Rajouri Garden on May 19th, 2012 in raen sabhai.
gurbachan dayalpuri 2012 rajouri garden |
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