New Delhi, 12.Aug.2010 - Baani.Net
In a shocking incident, sikh sangat of Tans-Yamuna area has recovered 1000+ saroops of Holy Sri Guru Granth Sahib from a basement-store abandoned from 15 years.
The mud filled basement was storing Guru Granth sahib's saroops, Sanchies, Kirtan Pothis,...
beadbi,chelaram,guru,granth,delhi,dis-respect,dera,baba,karam,singh |
Gurmat Kirtan Samagam in dedication to Prakash Purab of Guru Harigobind Sahib Ji at Gurdwara Sis Ganj Sahib - Delhi on July 5th, 2012
hargobind, guru, sis, ganj |
Amazingly blissful kirtan by Bhai Manpreet Singh Ji Kanpuri at Annual AKJ kirtan samagam, Gurdwara Damdama Sahib - Delhi
I shall not forsake, even for an instant, my Dear Beloved Lord, the Support of the breath of life.
The Guru, the True Guru, has instructed me in the contemplation of the...
akj,manpreet,kanpuri,hao,ho,nimakh,damdama,delhi |
Beautifully sung shabad by Bhai Sahib Gurpreet Singh Ji Baba Bakale Wale at Gurdwara Patshahi-5, New Mahabir Nagar, New Delhi on Aug 4th, 2012.
He Himself created and adorned the Universe, and He Himself contemplates it.
Some are counterfeit, and some are genuine. He Himself is the...
baba, bakala, gurpreet, satgur, khoteon, khare, kare |
Bhai Sahib Satwinder Singh Harwinder Singh Ji Delhi Wale at Mayur Vihar Delhi.
sorat(h) mehalaa 3 ||
bin sathigur saevae bahuthaa dhukh laagaa jug chaarae bharamaaee ||
ham dheen thum jug jug dhaathae sabadhae dhaehi bujhaaee ||1||
har jeeo kirapaa karahu thum piaarae ||
sathigur dhaathaa...
satwinder, harwinder, har, jio, kirpa, karo |
Bibi Ishwanik Kaur, 2nd runner up in Group-A of Anhad Naad 2012 Kirtan Competition, doing kirtan in Raag - Ramkali.
raamakalee mehalaa 5 ||
jap gobi(n)dh gopaal laal ||
raam naam simar thoo jeevehi fir n khaaee mehaa kaal ||1|| rehaao ||
kott janam bhram bhram bhram aaeiou ||
baddai bhaag...
anhad, naad, 2012, delhi, ishwanik, jap, gobind, gopal |
Annual gurbani kirtan and sant samagam by Gurdwara Baru Sahib at Gurdwara Shri Rakab Ganj Sahib - New Delhi
baru, sahib, akal, academy, rakab, ganj, sant, attar, mastuana, guru,kashi,damdama |
gauVI guAwryrI mhlw 5 ]
siqgur drsin Agin invwrI ]
siqgur Bytq haumY mwrI ]
siqgur sMig nwhI mnu folY ]
AMimRq bwxI gurmuiK bolY ]1]
sBu jgu swcw jw sc mih rwqy ]
sIql swiq gur qy pRB jwqy ]1] rhwau ]
sMq pRswid jpY hir nwau ]
sMq pRswid hir kIrqnu gwau ]
sMq pRswid sgl duK...
manpreet,kanpuri,amrit,baani,bani,gurmukh,bole,delhi |